With our new web site we are still working on bringing together the Sage resources to improve your bottom line. We thank you for your patience while we complete our work. Sage Software Information
Compatibility Issues
You can download the following files to assist in evaluating the compatibility of your computer environment: Operating System Platform Compatibility Matrix
Customer Support for MAS
90/MAS 200
Sierra Pacific Business Systems does not stop after our initial implementation. While we enjoy our evenings and weekends as you do, our clients come first. If your systems aren't running like they should, we are there to make things right. Call our existing clients and ask. We are confident that they will tell you that we care and therefore, respond like you would expect. MAS 90/MAS 200 Support by Sierra
Pacific Business Systems MAS 90/MAS 200 Support by
Software What's New in MAS 90/MAS 200
MAS 90/MAS 200 Newsgroups
Stay on top of issues regarding your MAS 90/MAS 200 accounting system by accessing Sage Software's Internet newsgroups. Newsgroups are for end-users to communicate with each other on features, issues and anything else that may affect your successful use of MAS 90/MAS 200. These newsgroups are moderated by Sage Software's support staff and provide valuable feedback as needed. Contact us to find out how to access this important resource. Used with permission from Sage Software. |
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